

This site is a platform, a community of those interested in discovering or learning about the real life on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. The mission is to serve as connection between the African and the American continents. The bridge will help people to talk, break the fear of the unknown, and open themselves to the “stranger.”
Would you be interested in knowing how stranger sees the American life? Do you love exploring beyond images that flow in the media regarding Africa? If you believe that Africa is not just about terrorism, Ebola, famine, HIV, or malaria and that there might be a hope despite this gloomy picture of continent, then this is the community to belong to, this is your home.

Why me in blogging?

On June 10th while coming from the Susan G. Komen race for the Cure, I stopped by the Farmers Market in Ferguson, Missouri to get some fresh food. That’s where I met an inspiring man, Jim Merkel, a well-known writer in Saint Louis who not only encourages me, but also supports and mentors me. Since then, my passion for sharing stories and experiences has grown tremendously.

Why Strange and Charming Land?
The way that some issues such armed conflict in D.R. Congo is approached, you might think that there is no life at all in D. R. Congo, strange, right? But, children go to school every day, people go to work, invest, and enjoy their life, .
On the other hand, after the election of Donald Trump, America is still America. Those values of democracy and liberty continue to make a difference with the rest of the word. This country remains a land of opportunities for millions of people and many generations to come.
And do you remember Ferguson? Where I met my friend Jim Merkel? The whole world heard about the suburb of St. Louis, Missouri, in 2014 after demonstrations that started when a police officer killed an unarmed black man. The Ferguson Farmers Market is one more example of how the media only give part of the story. Charming!
Therefore, this blog will help to build our community around these beautiful experiences and realities. Please join us, get and keep your place.

But who am I?
Well, my name is Kennedy M’Pande, husband and father of a three years old. I hold a MBA in Finance & Investments and International Business from the John Cook school of Business. I have built my entire professional career within the financial industry. Now I am working as a compliance analyst in St. Louis. I love sharing ideas with people. I believe that there is a need of going beyond what we hear, know, or see every day. And that comes through open discussion, sharing, and connections.
So, this is not about me, it is about us. Please do not wait to come back, for sure you will find interesting subjects.